Examples of our work

A picture's worth a thousand words. In our case, an example of our work is worth a thousand descriptions.

Below are a few examples of the sort of work we do. Every one of them is in the public domain and carries our name in the credits.

Report, executive summary and annual statistics on gender-based violence

Every year, Spain's National Observatory on Violence against Women publishes a report and annual statistics on gender-based violence in Spain and the efforts made by government to eradicate it. Its aim is to raise general awareness of the issue and guide public and private intervention.
The documents comprise the text of the report and the numerous Excel tables, data sheets, charts and graphs that illustrate the findings.
One of the client's key requirements was use of the subject-specific terminology employed by the UN and EC in English and French. This not only had to be consistent throughout the entire report and annexes, but also with the National Observatory's previous annual reports. Writing style was also important, as the content needed to be readily accessible to both the media and the general public.

Título (ES): VIII Informe Anual del Observartorio Estatal de Violencia sobre la Mujer 2014
Título (EN): 8th Annual Report by the National Observatory on Violence against Women 2014
Cliente: Spanish Ministry of Health, Social Services and Equality.
Number of pages: 411.
Year published: 2016.
Lead time: 7 weeks.
Languages: Spanish>English, Spanish>French
View: Libro_23_VIII_Informe_Ingles.pdf Traducción de informe
View: VIII__Informe_Ejecutivo_Ingles.pdf Traducción de informe
View: VIII__Informe_Ejecutivo_Frances.pdf Traducción de informe

Corporate website content and legal texts for NANO TECH ENTERPRISE

Start-up Nano Tech Enterprise, which sells and distributes nanotechnology products in Middle East markets, commissioned us to translate its new website.
As it targets clients outside Spain, getting the right message across about its service offering - and doing so in the language the industry understands - was absolutely essential. The first step in this strategy was to translate the corporate website into English, timing publication to coincide with the firm's attendance and industry debut at an international show with a strong nanotechnology component.
As a new company, Nano Tech Enterprise was keen to reassure potential clients that it's a dependable partner that fully meets its legal commitments and complies with the provisions of Spain's legislation on protection of personal data (LOPD) and information society and e-commerce services (LSSICE). To underline that commitment to its international clients, the company commissioned translation of the legal disclaimers and texts that the above-mentioned laws require for compliance.

Client: Nano Tech Enterprise.
Number of webpages: 14.
Year translated: 2016.
Lead time: 3 days.
Languages: Spanish>English.
Spanish website: www.nanotechenterprise.com
English website: www.nanotechenterprise.com/EN

Report, executive summary and annual statistics on gender-based violence

Every year, Spain's National Observatory on Violence against Women publishes a report and annual statistics on gender-based violence in Spain and the efforts made by government to eradicate it. Its aim is to raise general awareness of the issue and guide public and private intervention.
The documents comprise the text of the report and the numerous Excel tables, data sheets, charts and graphs that illustrate the findings.
One of the client's key requirements was use of the subject-specific terminology employed by the UN and EC in English and French. This not only had to be consistent throughout the entire report and annexes, but also with the National Observatory's previous annual reports. Writing style was also important, as the content needed to be readily accessible to both the media and the general public.

Title (ES): VII Informe Anual del Observatorio Estatal de Violencia sobre la Mujer
Title (EN): 7th Annual Report by the National Observatory on Violence against Women
Client: Spanish Ministry of Health, Social Services and Equality.
Number of pages: 398 + 75.
Year published: 2015.
Lead time: 7 weeks
Languages: Spanish>English, Spanish>French
View: Libro_21_VII_Informe_Ingles.pdf Traducción de informe
View: VII__Informe_Ejecutivo_Ingles.pdf Traducción de informe
View: VII__Informe_Ejecutivo_Frances.pdf Traducción de informe

Training manual

Title (ES): Invertir en igualdad y no discriminación: hacia unas políticas públicas más eficientes e inclusivas. Manual de formación para la aplicación transversal del principio de igualdad y no discriminación en el diseño, ejecución y evaluación de políticas públicas.
Title (EN): Investing in equality and non-discrimination: towards more efficient and inclusive public policy. Training handbook on how to mainstream the principle of equality and non-discrimination into public policy design, implementation and assessment.
Client: Spanish Ministry of Health, Social Services and Equality
Number of pages: 232
Year published: 2014
Lead time: 7 weeks
Languages: Spanish>English
View: Manual_ingles_invertir_igualdad.pdf Translated manual

Report, executive summary and annual statistics on gender-based violence

Title (ES): V Informe del Observatorio Estatal de Violencia sobre la Mujer
Title (EN): 5th Annual Report by the National Observatory on Violence against Women
Client: Spanish Ministry of Health, Social Services and Equality
Number of pages: 559 + 75
Year published: 2013
Lead time: 7 weeks
Languages: Spanish>English, Spanish>French
View: V_INFORME_INGLES.pdf Translated report (French)
View: Informe_Ejecutivo_V_Ingles.pdf Translated report (French)
View: Informe_Ejecutivo_V_Frances.pdf Translated report (French)

Report, executive summary and annual statistics on gender-based violence

Title (ES): VI Informe del Observatorio Estatal de Violencia sobre la Mujer
Title (EN): 6th Annual Report by the National Observatory on Violence against Women
Client: Spanish Ministry of Health, Social Services and Equality
Number of pages: 387 + 76
Year published: 2014
Lead time: 11 weeks
Languages: Spanish>English, Spanish>French
View: Libro_16_VI_Informe_Observatorio_Ingles.pdf Translated report (French)
View: 6_Informe_Ejecutivo_Ingles.pdf Translated report (French)
View: 6__Informe__Ejecutivo_Frances.pdf Translated report (French)

Report on a survey of the perception of discrimination in Spain

Title (ES): Los perfiles del mapa de la discriminación en España: Análisis de la encuesta CIS N° 3.000. "Percepción de la discriminación en España" (Resumen ejecutivo).
Title (EN): Mapping and profiling discrimination in Spain: CIS survey no. 3000 "Perception of discrimination in Spain" (Executive Summary).
Client: Spanish Ministry of Health, Social Services and Equality
Number of pages: 18
Year published: 2014
Lead time: 1 week
Languages: Spanish>English
View: Perfiles_discriminacion_EN_v.d.pdf Translated survey

Training handbook on applying the principle of equality and non-discrimination

Title (ES): Promoviendo la igualdad y la no discriminación a través de los Fondos Estructurales y de Inversión europeos 2014-2020. Guía de orientaciones y recomendaciones para organismos intermedios y beneficiarios de los Fondos.
Title (EN): Promoting Equality and Non-Discrimination via the European Structural and Investment Funds for 2014–2020. Guidance and recommendations for intermediary bodies and fund beneficiaries.
Client: Spanish Ministry of Health, Social Services and Equality
Number of pages: 86
Year published: 2014
Lead time: 3 weeks
Languages: Spanish>English
View: Prom_igualdad_y_la_no_discrimin_fondos_estruct_inversion_europeos__2014_20.pdf Translated handbook

Report on study findings

Title (ES): Estudio FESABID - El valor económico y social de los servicios de información: bibliotecas. Informe de resultados.
Title (EN): FESABID Study — The Economic and Social Value of Information Services: Libraries. Report of findings.
Client: Spanish Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport
Number of pages: 110
Year published: 2014
Lead time: 4 weeks
Languages: Spanish>English
View: economic_social_value_information_service_libraries.pdf Translated report (French)

Environmental report

Every year, Spain's Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Environment compiles and publishes a detailed indicator-based report on the state of the country's environment. Its aim is to provide pertinent and accurate data - gathered from reliable public and private sources - on the environment in Spain as a whole and in each of its autonomous communities/cities.
The report comprises 85 indicators (each accompanied by its corresponding graph, explanations, notes, and so on) grouped into 16 themed chapters.
One of the client's key requirements was use of the subject-specific environmental quality and assessment terminology employed by the UN and EC in English. This not only had to be consistent throughout the entire report, but also with previous publications in the series. Writing style was also important, as the content needed to be readily accessible to both the media and the general public.

Title (ES): Perfil ambiental de España 2010. Informe basado en indicadores.
Title (EN): Environmental Profile of Spain 2010. Indicator-based Report.
Client: Spanish Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Environment
Number of pages: 340
Year published: 2011
Lead time: 16 weeks
Languages: Spanish>English
View: EPS_2010.pdf Translated report (French)


Title (EN): The European Environment - State and Outlook 2010: Synthesis.
Title (ES): El Medio Ambiente en Europa: Estado y Perspectivas 2010 - Síntesis.
Client: European Environment Agency (EEA)
Number of pages: 117
Year published: 2010
Lead time: 12 weeks
Languages: English>Spanish
View: SOER-2010-Synthesis-ES-new.pdf Translated report (French)

Photography catalogue

Title (ES): IX Concurso Internacional de Fotografía Apícola
Title (EN): 9th International Apiculture Photography Contest
Client: Azuqueca de Henares Town Council
Number of pages: 167
Year published: 2010
Lead time: 8 weeks
Languages: Spanish>English
View: catalogo_2009.pdf Translated catalogue

Examples of articles we've translated:

"Aragón: el compromiso de toda una comunidad".
Special report on Aragón's automotive industry.
View: autorevista.pdf Translated article

"ARISA crece con fuerza innovadora".
View: Anuncio-7_Crece-con-fuerza-innovadora_Autorevista1.pdf Translated article

"XV Congreso Hispano-Alemán del Automóvil".
View: press_article_autorevista_2014.pdf Translated article

"The limits of my language are the limits of my world". Ludwig Wittgenstein (1889–1951)